I started this trip on January 17th 2010, so I havent even been gone that long. I had another blog with my lovly lady friend but we just split ways and now it is time for me to venture into this digital from of slef congratulatory oration.The trip started in Costa Rica, in a town I had been to twice before, Santa Teresa, a beautiful little surf town that is growing rapidly. there are bugs there that will scare the shit out of you, but somehow you end up geting used to them and evetually you shower witha scorpion with the gratest of ease.
there are spiders...
and there are these things which I think is an amazing looiking something...
We stayed for the first week at The Green Rooms which is my favorite place to eat and to smoke spliffs and drink ber and swim in the pool and listen to English accents and close to where you want to surf. This is Dave and he runs the place
along with this guy, who is his cousin and the surf instructor and an amazing chef who served us all sots of good food.
For some readon I dont have a photo of Hanna the bad ass of the place, but she is cool and tough and says cool stuff like ¨a piece a piss¨Dav has two dogs that watch out for the place and this one Coco was bitten on the head by a crocodile and lived to tall the tale, tough ol dog, but a little wierd as it like to chase after the horseshoes when people decide to play, not the brightest of the bunch but a pleasure to watch in action.

Eventually we got our own little place for the month which suited us just fine and allowed us top see some of the creepiset animals ever. this is the shack

A lot of surfing was going on and then one day the fine folks of CR decided to take us to a beautiful beach and sweet suf spot. We drank a bit and hung out for a while and then I went in thinking it was all good, I got smashed and fucked up my knee which kept me out of commision for quite a while.

I was excited on the way there...

That was a change of plans but it did allow me to do some tattooing, what a challenge to tattoo in unfamiliar places and without all of the crutches I´m used to, like a photocopier and thermafax or needles I am used to, nut it was fun and he enjoyed his tattoo

Okay, so I guess some of this is a repeat but with a few more photos, I am going to go in order, next up Panama City.
Adios, Pura Vida, Live long and Prosper, Shake n bake.... you get the idea.
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